Campaign Events

Open House for Elizabeth Brown – Arizona State Senate Candidate

Date: 05/25/2024

An Open House for Elizabeth Brown, Arizona State Senate Candidate LD14, was held on Saturday, May 25, 2024 from 2:00-4:00 PM in Gilbert.  Hosting the event was Kathleen Quellen.  Among the honored guests and featured speakers were Mitzi Epstein, Arizona Senate Minority Leader; Seth Blattman, Arizona Representative from LD 9; and Mike Flores, Chair of LD14.  Elizabeth Brown gave an impassioned speech regarding her candidacy for the Senate and stated:   "I am in it to win it."

LD14 Pancake Breakfast

Date: 02/24/2024

Democrats in LD14 gathered for a pancake breakfast to kick off the election season and to raise funds to support the work of our Legislative District.  Regularly scheduled meetings are well attended as was this breakfast.