Clean Water Supply


Elizabeth Brown’s Policy Positions on Sustainable And Clean Water Supply

We must ensure a SUSTAINABLE WATER SUPPLY for future generations by supporting stronger, effective water policies. I support the goals of the Arizona Sierra Club to protect Arizona watersheds, specifically, legislation to:

Restore protections for Arizona’s intermittent and ephemeral waters (which do not flow consistently or year-round) – approximately 95 percent of our rivers and streams

Protect groundwater resources by promoting water conservation and limiting groundwater pumping to sustainable levels statewide.

Restrict groundwater pumping and promote “water for nature.”

Warren Petersen’s Policy Positions on Sustainable And Clean Water Supply

Warren Petersen believes “we have enough” water and wanted to scrap the 1980 Groundwater Act, which requires residential homebuilders, like himself, to ensure a 100-year water supply.  He calls the 100-year rule “arbitrary.”

Warren Petersen is a realtor and homebuilder, who would benefit from more lax groundwater legislation.