Community Safety


I support statewide legislation to ensure community safety, specifically to BAN THE SALE OF BRASS KNUCKLES and to PASS CHRISTIAN’S LAW.

Community safety is at the heart of ensuring a thriving environment where families can live without fear. Elizabeth Brown is committed to taking proactive steps to protect our neighborhoods. This includes supporting statewide legislation aimed at reducing violence, banning dangerous weapons like brass knuckles, and advancing crucial measures like Christian’s Law. By prioritizing the well-being of every resident, Elizabeth is dedicated to creating safer, stronger communities across Arizona.

Warren Petersen’s Policy Positions on Community Safety

Under Warren Petersen’s leadership, the Senate failed to pass bills to protect our community.  He failed to support two bills brought by his own constituents:  a bill to ban brass knuckles, which was championed by Gilbert resident, Connor Jarnagan, a victim of a Gilbert Goon brass knuckles assault.  He has also failed to support Christian’s Law to ensure safe storage of guns.  The bill was brought by Gilbert citizens, Bruce and Claire Petillo, who lost their son to gun violence because homeowners failed to secure their weapons.