Public Education


Elizabeth Brown’s Policy Positions on the Public Education Systems

I believe STRONG PUBLIC SCHOOLS strengthen our communities.  

 To fully-fund public schools, we must reign in the wasteful Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) school voucher program, which is responsible for half the state’s $1.3B budget deficit and robs our public schools of needed funding.  Here are the facts:

  • 75% of vouchers go to students already enrolled in private school or homeschool (
  • 77% of ESA voucher users are from wealthy neighborhoods in Arizona

No more blank checks to wealthy students attending private schools! 

  • Public school teachers who teach and the 86% of Arizona students who attend public schools must be paid a living wage. Arizona currently ranks near the bottom in teacher pay.
  • Arizona ranks 49th in State funding for public schools. This must change! 

Warren Petersen’s Policy Positions on the Public Education Systems

64% of Arizona voters said NO to Prop 305 in 2018 to contest Senate Bill 1431, to expand the ESA program to all public schools.
Petersen thinks he knows better than voters.  Petersen and Republican majority in the legislature resurrected and passed the ESA voucher expansion DESPITE  citizens overwhelmingly rejecting it in 2018.,_Expansion_of_Empowerment_Scholarship_Accounts_Referendum_(2018)