Reproductive Freedoms


Elizabeth Brown’s Policy Positions on Reproductive Freedoms

Decisions regarding reproductive health MUST remain with the woman, without government interference. Politicians like Warren Petersen should stay out of private healthcare decisions.

Access to birth control, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), and abortion should be available to all women.  Without IVF, I would not have my beautiful grandchildren.

I support the Arizona Abortion Access Act, currently on the ballot, which would amend the Arizona Constitution to establish the fundamental right to abortion that the state of Arizona may not interfere with before the point of fetal viability, which is defined as the point at which there is significant chance of fetus survival outside the uterus without extraordinary medical measures.

Know your rights:  “It is legal to have an abortion in Arizona when provided by licensed physicians, with the following restrictions:  Abortion is not permitted beyond 15 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion is not permitted for reasons of fetal race, sex, or genetic abnormality. If you are under 18 years old, a parent or legal guardian must give you permission to have an abortion. If getting the permission of a parent or guardian is not an option for you, you can seek a judicial bypass (JB) by calling the JB Helpline at 844-868-2812 or visiting” (AZ Planned Parenthood flier)

Warren Petersen’s Policy Positions on Reproductive Freedoms

My opponent, Warren Petersen, backed the 1864 ban on abortions, with no exceptions for rape or incest.  The 1864 law was passed before women even had the right to vote. 

Warren Petersen IGNORED the will of AZ voters by filing an amicus brief with the Arizona Supreme Court in support of the ban even though an August 2022 HighGround poll that showed that only 22% of likely voters said abortion should be banned in Arizona.

Two attempts to repeal the 1864 law stagnated in the legislature, and Warren Petersen did nothing.  The result:  confusion and chaos as abortion clinics shut down, and Arizona women and their families suffered.

Ultimately, on April 24, three GOP Legislators joined Democrats in voting to repeal the ban, with the passage of House Bill 2677 passed, reinstating a 15-week ban, with no exceptions for rape or incest.  The Arizona Abortion Access Act will codify the rights lost when Roe v Wade was overturned.